What is anodic oxidation?
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What is anodic oxidation?

Aluminum is a more lively metal, standard potential -1.66v, in the air can naturally form a layer of about 0.01~0.1 micron oxidation film. This oxidation film is amorphous, thin and porous, poor corrosion resistance. The anodic oxidation films with different properties and thickness of about dozens of to hundreds of microns can be obtained by selecting the electrolyte with different types and concentrations, and by controlling the process conditions of anodize, and their corrosion resistance, wear resistance and decoration are improved.

Types of anodic oxidation

To classify the anodic oxidation according to current models: direct current anodic oxidation, alternating current anodic oxidation, pulsed current anodic oxidation. According to electrolytic solutions: Natural coloring anodic oxidation of sulfuric acid, oxalic acid, chromate, mixed acid and sulfonated organic acid as main solution. According to membrane temperament: anodic oxidation of ordinary membrane, hard film (thick film), porcelain film, bright modification layer, and semiconductor action barrier layer, the application of direct current sulfuric acid anodic oxidation method is the most common.

Updated:2019-08-24 | Return
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